Sunday, October 29, 2006

November News from Liz-e-Biz (a bit early)

For those of you who already belong to or are considering joining MPAM, Michael Russell is again working hard to provide a fantastic array of tools for the members. So far, we have MPAM EzyAds which can be shown alongside or instead of Adsense and which can be shown wherever YOU want. There are no restrictions as to what else is on the page either and there are the full range of sizes of ads that you would expect, showing keyword appropriate products which all pay through your MPAM account. There's no need to join lots of merchants, etc., just easy access through MPAM. We also have MPAM Ezybanners, which also come in different sizes, are keyword linked and do not require a banner exchange. Michael just keeps on making it better and there's much more to come!

When I'm looking for the articles (or writing them myself) to publish in the newsletter and on the Liz-e-Biz website, I'm inclined to look back at what I needed to know or to be encouraged by when I first started out on the internet. However, I appreciated that what I needed and thought was interesting is not necessarily what you, my readers, want to hear about, so please, if there's a topic I haven't covered or a programme you want to know about, or information that you have which would benefit the wider audience, please drop me a line via the contact link at the bottom of the page.

This month's article is from Steven Wagenheim and you may use it for your website, ezine or blog as long as it remains unchanged and the resource box and source are copied exactly.

Don't forget to grab your copy of my free e-book Successful Article Writing

Liz Canham

Traffic Exchange News

Pro Traffic Shop is relaunching with Brett Phillips taking over from Jon Olson and is offering a 75% discount on their normal $19.99 fee. For just $5 you can have all that Pro Traffic Shop has to offer. This is only available this month, so Join now and don't forget to use the discount code: "WhatADeal".

Jon Olson's Hit Exchange News has reached Issue 150 - way to go Jon!!

In just over one month, Clickn'Putt have over 1700 members - wow that's some going.

New Articles This Month

The Sales Pitch - Part 2 by Steven Wagenheim

In this second installment of The Sales Pitch, we're going to create a fictional brand of a real product type. We're then going to create an ad campaign for it.

Create a Powerful Follow-up Series in 5 Steps by Mike Paetzold

One of the most common questions that comes up time and time again in the seminars I do is “How do I create an email series?”. If I had a dollar for each time I have been asked that I would have quit my job sooner.

Here are 5 steps to as Larry the Cable Guy says “Git ‘r done.”

Affiliate Programs - Part 1 by Steven Wagenheim

If you comb the Internet, you'll find that the vast majority of programs that you will find are affiliate programs. There are more of these than you can shake a stick at. The questions that come to mind are, why so many? Are they all good? Can you make money with any of them? Which ones are the best? Which ones are the worst? How can you tell if an affiliate program is any good? How can you tell if one is even on the level? The number of questions that can be asked about affiliate programs are endless. The answers can sometimes be more confusing than the questions themselves. Well, hopefully in this multi part series on affiliate programs, you'll have all the answers that you need, or at least most of them.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

October News from

Autumn is traditionally one of the busiest times for online marketers and business owners, so it's back to work with a vengeance for all the old hands who took time off during the summer and welcome to all newcomers.

This month's article is about organising your time and you may use it for your website, ezine or blog as long as it remains unchanged and the resource box and source are copied exactly.

Liz Canham
P.S. I have finally finished (for the time being) my e-book Successful Article Writing so to get your free copy just click on the title.

Traffic Exchange News

It seems that 123Clicks has had it's PayPal account closed without notice. Not that I would recommend this program, the much-vaunted cycling system didn't work and I, for one, never received any quality traffic from this source.

Hitsense is up for sale and Rewarding Traffic seems to have disappeared - pity, I used to like the Yahtze game.

StartXchange have introduced an innovative way to reward surfers. Now if you surf 20 pages or more on any given day, the next day you'll receive an additional 10% of credits for surfing!

Click Ranch have exceeded 1500 members - well done! Welcome to Jennifer and John the new admins.

New Articles This Month

5 Steps to Get Your Business Started by Mike Paetzold

One of the biggest problems most newer marketers online have is defining their business. I might even be able to retire if I had a $1 for every person I have heard when asked what their business is answers "I just want to make money."

Why Customers Don't Return to Your E-Commerce Site by Michael Russell

In the world of e-commerce, just getting the initial sale isn't enough. You need to be able to get repeat sales from your customers. Here are 10 reasons why you aren't getting those sales.

Be Smart - Organise Your Day by Liz Canham

If you're running a business from home, whether online or offline, you need to be even more disciplined than if you were commuting to a job elsewhere.

The Sales Pitch - Part I by Steven Wagenheim

You've got something to sell. The question is, how do you sell it? How do you find those magic words that are going to send people rushing out to buy your product or service?

Don't forget to check out the Tips of the Month