Sunday, October 01, 2006

October News from

Autumn is traditionally one of the busiest times for online marketers and business owners, so it's back to work with a vengeance for all the old hands who took time off during the summer and welcome to all newcomers.

This month's article is about organising your time and you may use it for your website, ezine or blog as long as it remains unchanged and the resource box and source are copied exactly.

Liz Canham
P.S. I have finally finished (for the time being) my e-book Successful Article Writing so to get your free copy just click on the title.

Traffic Exchange News

It seems that 123Clicks has had it's PayPal account closed without notice. Not that I would recommend this program, the much-vaunted cycling system didn't work and I, for one, never received any quality traffic from this source.

Hitsense is up for sale and Rewarding Traffic seems to have disappeared - pity, I used to like the Yahtze game.

StartXchange have introduced an innovative way to reward surfers. Now if you surf 20 pages or more on any given day, the next day you'll receive an additional 10% of credits for surfing!

Click Ranch have exceeded 1500 members - well done! Welcome to Jennifer and John the new admins.

New Articles This Month

5 Steps to Get Your Business Started by Mike Paetzold

One of the biggest problems most newer marketers online have is defining their business. I might even be able to retire if I had a $1 for every person I have heard when asked what their business is answers "I just want to make money."

Why Customers Don't Return to Your E-Commerce Site by Michael Russell

In the world of e-commerce, just getting the initial sale isn't enough. You need to be able to get repeat sales from your customers. Here are 10 reasons why you aren't getting those sales.

Be Smart - Organise Your Day by Liz Canham

If you're running a business from home, whether online or offline, you need to be even more disciplined than if you were commuting to a job elsewhere.

The Sales Pitch - Part I by Steven Wagenheim

You've got something to sell. The question is, how do you sell it? How do you find those magic words that are going to send people rushing out to buy your product or service?

Don't forget to check out the Tips of the Month


At 3:40 am, Blogger Tim said...

And now StartXchange has Teams ;-)


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