Friday, July 27, 2007

August News from

Our featured article this month is by Samuel Spoldir and you may copy and use it for your website or newsletter if you wish, as long as the resource box is left in tact.

Liz Canham

Traffic Exchange News

This isn't strictly about a traffic exchange but a program which is heavily involved with that area of internet marketing.

Hits Connect have discovered (or rather Tim Rash of did) a way to track your signups right through to the thank you page even if that thank you page isn't on your site.

No other tracking service (to my knowledge) has this feature in place, it does mean the program owner has to add a small amount of code to his/her thank you pages, but don,t worry we have already spoken to many of them and the list of preferred partners who have this code installed will be listed in your members area very soon.

Now you can send a mailing out in list bandit for your favourite traffic exchange and know how successful that mailing was just by checking your Hits Connect stats.

Your Hits Connect account just became much more valuable, don't forget to log in and get your affiliate links and tell everyone about this great new feature. If you're not a member, join up now.

New Articles This Month
15 Minutes For More Optin Subscribers by Samuel Spoldir

A mailing list is very a powerfull tool, no suprise there. If you are running a blog you should have a mailing list setup on your RSS feed which sends out a quick reminder every time an entry is posted and it will bring in more traffic on a consistent basis.

The Art of E-Commerce by Michael Russell

So you've got your website, and people can email you about your products and services. The next step, if your home business is suitable, is to start selling them directly online.

Where is the Big Red Button? by Mike Paetzold

Everybody I talk to that is looking to build or business or just make a few dollars on line is looking for the big red button to push to be instantly successful.
Come on even if you won't admit it you have been looking too. I know have and have the t-shirt, coffe mug and more.

Tips Of The Month

  1. Find out as much as possible about your customers. If you know what they like, you'll be able to make them come back.

  2. If you don't have time to write articles from scratch, buy some PLR articles and personalise them.

  3. Use a tool like AdSpyTracker to get the real inside track on your AdSense stats.

Don't forget to check out our Tips Of The Month

Sunday, July 01, 2007

July News from Liz-e-Biz

I read an article recently by Dan Moses which talked about one's "findability factor". In other words, how many page views it takes a surfer to come across one of YOUR pages. Basically, the more traffic you acquire whether through upgrading in the traffic exchanges, buying credits, surfing yourself or referring other surfers, the lower your "findability factor" will be.

The whole Findability Factor article is below and you may use it for your website, ezine or blog as long as it remains unchanged and the resource box and source are copied exactly.

Liz Canham

Traffic Exchange News

More Actual Visitors is no longer a paid to join traffic exchange, so go ahead and join up for free.

I Love Hits has a great new look, so why not check it out?

New Articles This Month

What is YOUR Findability Factor? by Dan Moses

Today I am going to introduce you to a new term within the Traffic Exchange niche online.

It's called your "Findability Factor".

Findability Factor (FF): How many page views does it take to find some form of advertising for your Program or product while viewing websites through out Traffic Exchanges (TEs)online.

Web E-Commerce by Michael Russell

Theres a silent revolution that is going on all over the Internet nowadays. And it is known as web e-commerce. Do I hear you laughing? Sure, it is not a new concept. In fact, web e-commerce has been around for almost as long as the web itself has been in existence. But it is only of late that web e-commerce has achieved its fullest potential. Dont make the mistake of undermining the potential of web e-commerce. It is already a multi billion dollar industry that is only poised to grow and increase in market share.

Top Ways To Create Ideas For Your Next Highly Read Article by Mike Paetzold

If you want to make money online a good strategy that doesn't cost you a dime is to write articles in the field that relates to your product or service.

Search Engines are constantly on the look out for fresh content and writing and submitting articles online is a great way to do that.

So how do you come up with ideas for your next article? Here a few ideas that will help you do that.

Don't forget to check out our Tips Of The Month