November News from Liz-e-Biz
I hope the ghouls didn't get you last night and enjoy bonfire night to those of you in the UK who still like to commemorate Guy Fawkes and his gunpowder plot. I'd also like to say Happy Thanksgiving for later in the month to readers in the USA.Traffic Exchange News
I Love Hits is growing at a rate of 300 members per week.
Pro Traffic Shop traffic is up by 300% in a couple of months.
Traffic Splash has reached an amazing 11,000 members and the top five in Traffic Hoopla!
Tips Of The Month
- Try advertising your business offline. How about giving out business cards whenever you go into a shop or have your own T-shirts printed and wear them while you're out and about.
- Open a blog at or elsewhere and use it to publicise your website.
- Social bookmarking can really raise your search rankings with Google so checkout
Liz Canham