Wednesday, March 14, 2007

April News from Liz-e-Biz


Do you rush out and tell all your friends and colleagues straight away about the wonderful new program which you've joined and if they join with you, you'll all make your fortunes? Well, before you do that next time, stop and think how that rash recommendation might affect your long term relationship and your own reputation. Read the article below for more.

Don't forget to get your copy of my free e-book Successful Article Writing


Liz Canham

Traffic Exchange News

Traffic Splash was one year old on 13 Feb. Happy Birthday, Paul.

JackTenForty exceeded 5,000 members this month. Good stuff!

SplashPoints are FREE REWARDS you can collect from many businesses around the World, just for doing what you do everyday on-line! Many of the Traffic Exchanges are offering them as rewards for surfing, so join up and earn splash points to spend on extra traffic or other items on offer.

Have you seen WhatIsATrafficExchange? It started out as an educational tool but WhatIsATrafficExchange is no longer just a page to tell you what a traffic exchange is but is now also a downline builder. Here is how it works:

You join and get your own WhatIsATrafficExchange page to promote to people who do not know what a TE is, Then they join some of the recommended exchanges on the site that just happen to have your referral ids. This means you build a downline at the same time as educating the world.

No longer is someone asking you to educate the world for free but instead giving you the chance to do it and earn free traffic at the same time.

New Articles This Month

Making Recommendations and Your Reputation by Liz Canham

Have you ever worried that you may be recommending a product that isn't all it's cracked up to be, but you can't resist the huge commissions on offer - think again!

5 Ways to Organize Your Day by Tim Whiston

There are an endless number of ways an individual can get organized and make the most of their time. Here is a brief overview of 5 ways I use to stay on track.

Building Your List By Leveraging Your Network by Michael Paetzold

One of the fallacies some new people have is that you can build your business alone. This probably is one of the biggest causes of failure for people trying to make money online.

Tips Of The Month

  1. Before joining any program, do your own due diligence. Find out about the company, ask around, search in forums - don't just join (especially if you have to pay).

  2. Design yourself a really hard-hitting splash page to use in the traffic exchanges.

  3. Have a plan for designing and building your OWN website, rather than making money for the owners of affiliate programs.


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