Tuesday, May 30, 2006

June News from Liz-e-Biz.com

It's been a bit of a mad month for me. The articles are pouring into MPAM and I've been editing my little fingers to the bone.

I hope you enjoy this month's offerings on the article front.

I'm writing an ebook about writing articles and I hope to have it finished soon, so watch this space.

This month's news on the Traffic Exchanges:

Traffic Soldiers has some new banners to attract referrals.

Funny Farm Traffic has introduced a 15 second timer for free members.

Pro Traffic Shop has new banners and splash pages to make it even easier to attract members, so get out there and start surfing.

How to Create a Website Using a File System by Liz Canham

If you've ever created a website, populated it with a huge number of pages, then discovered that you've left something off the menu, then this is the system for you.

How Can Joining a Forum Help Your Business? by Mike Paetzold

Online forums are a fantastic reminder of the influence the internet has had on society. Using forums to connect with your market is a natural progression.

Forums are online communities where individuals can discuss topics ranging from fly fishing to breast feeding to internet business. Discussions are conducted by posting notes to the forum. A single discussion is called a 'thread' and most forums have several - even hundreds - of threads going at any time.

Don't forget to check out the Tips of the Month


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