February News from Liz-e-Biz.com
The new year is well under way and we should all be checking on the progress of our new advertising campaigns. How do we do that? We use a tracking tool.... or we should, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people don't use one. They say "Oh, I can't afford one" or "What do I need one of those for?" I can't labour this point enough - it is vital, otherwise you will have no idea whatever what is working and what isn't. If you don't know that, you can't concentrate your efforts on what works and neither can you change your web page or advertisement text to find something that does work. In short, without tracking results, you cannot have any hope of being successful in your online business.You've probably guessed that this is one of my hobby-horses so I've written an article to help you decide what you need from a tracking tool. Whether you care to take my recommendation or not, be sure to use something.
Don't forget to get your copy of my free e-book Successful Article Writing
Liz Canham
Traffic Exchange News
Rainforest Clicks has instigated a very successful surfing contest for those who surf 50 sites a day. Why not give it a try? It means that the number of surfers has increased, so of course the number of people viewing your site has increased too. As well as that, they hit the 2000 member mark just last week so well done to Brett, Jack and Roger.
There are all sorts of exciting changes on the way at More Actual Visitors - too numerous to mention in fact, so go along and take a look.
New Articles This Month
What to Look for in a Tracking Tool by Liz Canham
Tracking is absolutely essential to online business. Without it, how will you know where your website visitors are coming from? Are they arriving because of your amazingly provocative email campaign, your fantastically interesting article submitted to article directories or through one of your favourite traffic exchanges or from a website with which you have exchanged links? If so, which email, which article, which directory, which traffic exchange, which website?
E-Commerce - Boost Sales with an Autoresponder by Michael Russell
Getting the word out on your e-commerce website is important. One overlooked tool is the autoresponder. Here are some ways to use an autoresponder to increase traffic and sales.
Are you wasting valuable real estate in your list building? by Mike Paetzold
Think about all the pages you use in your marketing system. Now I usually make sure I use them all. At least I try to. A review last week showed me some gaping holes I had left open by hurrying.
It wasn't that I did not know better. We are all busy and sometimes too busy trying to get this and that done. We sometimes just overlook the obvious.